(NCSA Peru) The first communications conference was held for Nazarene pastors, communications coordinators, and leaders in Jaén, Peru, March 12-14, 2020. The event was held at the Central Church of the Nazarene in Jaén in the Alto Marañon District of Peru. Eighty people from Jaén, San Ingacio, Bagua, and Chiclayo attended. During the event the church facilities were used to provide housing, meals, material and certificates of completion.
The event opened with a presentation from Lucas Nunes, South American Regional Communications Coordinator on Thursday, March 12. Several international leaders offered presentations, Brian Utter, Global Director of World Mission Broadcast from the USA; Lucas Nunes, South American Regional Communications Coordinator; Marcelo Fretes, part of the team and pastor of the Church of the Nazarene in Latacunga, Ecuador. Pastor and reporter, Romaín Sosa Torres, provided the workshop called, “How to begin a local ministry of communications.”
The Communications Conference began with a media conference at 11:30 am on Thursday, March 12, covering local communication such as radio, television, and printed newspapers. The next day in the evening Rev. Brian Utter, gave an academic workshop to reporters from the Province of Jaén about media and technology. At the end of the training the reporters recognized Utter for his support to the Christian Church, his work as a professor at Olivet Nazarene University, and his leadership with the World Mission Broadcast.
The conference ended with a live podcast recording with Marcelo Fretes and Romaín Sosa interviewing Dr. Rossana Serrano about the COVID 19 pandemic. All the participants were touched by the technology and ministry of the Church of the Nazarene. The event concluded with thanks to Lucas Nunes, Brian Utter, and Marcelo Fretes. Everyone applauded them and showed their gratitude to the presenters and to Rev. Enrique Solano Castro, District Superintendent, who organized and watched over the event. Romaín Sosa Torres, District Communications Coordinator, who was in charge of organizing the event said it was a time of challenge and everyone left encouraged to continue serving God through this ministry.
Source: Nazarene Communications, Perú / Alto Marañón District.
Translation: Paul Clark