(NCSA Brazil) Pastor Damasio Morais, National Evangelism Coordinator for Brazil, along with his wife Alcimar and his daughter Isabelle, drove from Natal the capital of Rio Grande of the North State, to Campinas, in the interior of Sao Paulo, with the plan of visiting a number of evangelism coordinators.
The first stop was in Receife, where two Jesus Film teams were trained. This stop was like the launching point for the trip, as it provided confirmation that God had planned the trip ahead of time. The family that hosted pastor Morias and his family were not Christians. The pastor had the opportunity to share about Jesus with them, using the evanecube, and by God’s grace the couple accepted Jesus as their Savior.
The next stop was in Maceio, in the Tabuleiro Church with leaders from three other churches. Pastor Morias presented the work of Evangelism Ministry with the tools available through the Church of the Nazarene and he presented the NexGen challenge.
The next day the Morias family went to Aracaju, where the Jesus Film was presented to a congregation that had just been started the day before. As a result of the showing of the Jesus film, two children gave their lives to the Lord Jesus. In addition to the film, there was a meeting of pastors of the area.
The next stop was Salvador. Pastor Morias had the opportunity to meet with all the pastors in the area and present Evangelism Ministry and the tools he uses. The next day, was a trip to Minas Gerais, stopping in the city of Itaobim in the valley of Jequitinhona, to visit a newly planted church that already has two congregations. Pastors Toninho and Rose were very thankful to receive the Jesus Film backpack. Belo Horizonte was the next to last stop, and there, Pastor Morias provided evangelism training in the Bairro de Caicara Church.
At the end of the trip heading south, they arrived at Campinas, where they visited the office of the Sub-region of Brazil and delivered two Evangelism Kits. Thus began their trip back to Natal.
After two days, they returned through Aribaia, where they visited Pastor Estevao and Brenda Heap. Two days later, they went through Montes Claros, where they visited two pastors and Pastor Morias preached to a family group from one of the churches in the city.
Victoria de Conquista was the next destination. They met in this city with a “lone” pastor who has been far from anyone from the church for 10 years. They visited his church, located 30 kilometers away in a neighborhood out of the city. They challenged the pastor to look to the city that has tremendous potential to have a large Church of the Nazarene. The next day they went through Aracaja, Penedo, and Marceio. In each of these cities they were received warmly by the pastors and churches. They had opportunities to provide evangelism training, delivering tools and kits for evangelism, and had the opportunity to preach or testify.
“For us (myself, my wife Alciar Morias, my daughter Isabella and the brothers Neto and Naiva) these were extraordinary days. The Lord Jesus Christ spoke a lot to our hears in every place we went through. It was more than 7,000 Kilometers that we drove in total. I am grateful, first to God for the safe trip, without any incident and for those who came along on the trip by praying for us, giving offerings, and hospitality. God bless you greatly,” reflected Pastor Morias.
Source: Pastor Damasio Morais, National Evangelism Coordinator, Brazil
Translation: Paul Clark