(NCSA Ecuador) Ecuador’s National Women’s Ministry council organized a national women’s congress called, “Held by the Father,” on September 17, 2020. National Women’s Ministry Coordinator, Mayra Robalino headed up the event.
The national women’s ministry team includes leaders form the six districts in Ecuador. The event had the hope of activating, unifying, motivating, and pushing women to develop their gifts and developing women’s ministries around the country.
Weeks before the event a singing contest was held to find the person who would be the voice of the theme song for the event. The winner was Yenny Romina Castillo from the Central Mountain District. Her prize was being recorded with the Children’s and Youth Orchestra of the Central Mountain District of the Church of the Nazarene. Her prize included the support of Cesar Carranza, a music professor.
Held by the Father was live streamed on the evening of September 17 from the District Center of the Central Mountain District in Riobamba, Ecuador. It was transmitted by Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube. It reached about 1000 women. During the event, several ministry teams prayed for requests and responded to comments sent by social media.
Three pastors provided the teaching for the event: Waner Nunes, Regional Women’s Ministry Coordinator; Mayra Robalino, National Women’s Ministry Coordinator; and Noemi Ainscough, a psychologist; all gave excellent messages from God’s word. Additionally, each district gave a special presentation, such as a dance, special songs, recitation, or worship song.
Pastor Robalino was sure to thank Esdras Jimenez for his help as the National Ministries Coordinator, the constant prayer of the Nazarene National Prayer Group, and the communications team for the Central Mountain District.
The national event will be repeated in each of the six districts in Ecuador throughout the rest of the year.
Source: Women’s Ministry – Ecuador
Translation: Paul Clark