(NCSA Argentina) When the people of God gather with one heart, amazing things can happen. This attitude made the fourth Mountain Top Congress possible on the Campground of the Church of the Nazarene in the North Patagonia District of Argentina.
The congress took place January 22-26, 2020 with 200 young people from the various churches of the district participating.
Mountain Top started with the recognition that many significant spiritual encounters happen on mountain tops. From Abraham to Jesus, it seems to be a repeated pattern that the Lord speaks in these places and this was the objective of the congress. The hope was that each young person would leave having heard a clear word and specific direction from God.
The last congress was focused on unity, this year the challenge of purpose was added. It means that we are not just united for the sake of being united, or because we are friends and we get along, but that we are united with a clear goal, purpose, and to serve together. We are the body of Christ moving together. This means that we should put our gifts to work in the Church and in the process learn to serve united with others who have different gifts, and serve in different ways, but always together with the same purpose. The Body of Christ gathers in service to be the Church.
This event was special because, in addition to the main preacher, Marcos Maciel, pastors Eduardo Vergara and Adrian Intrieri, shared workshops during the days.
The workshops offered were, “The Key to Intercession,” by pastors Eduardo and Idalina Vergara de Alumine; “Genuine” by pastors Omar and Valeria Cripa; “We call him Master for a Reason” by pastor Agustina Layes; “Trending Topic” by pastor Jorge Santos; “Transformed” by Pastor Adrian Quiroga, “He Called Me” by pastors Rodolfo and Veronica Genes; “One Call, One Goal, One Prize” by pastors Enrique Cortex and Gilda Pozzi; and “Convinced with the Word” by pastor Stella Maris Mariano, who arrived from Buenos Aires to share her workshop on inductive Bible study.
Young people from the Neuquen Province participated from the churches in Alumine, Pilo Lil, Villa Pejuenia, El Chañar, and the churches Thank you Lord, Jesus my Refuge, and New life from the capital of Neuquen. From the Rio Negro Province the churches Cipolletti, Juncal, and Bariloche participated. The national NYI coordinator participated, and pastor Edivaldo Junior, a young missionary that has served in the province of Cordoba also participated.
In addition to the unity reflected in each shared moment, it was a beautiful time of building one another up, of committing to God, and being filled with challenges and teaching.
We understand that unity plus purpose is the formula for creating a body. To see this happen, we must be connected to Jesus.
Source: North Patagonia Argentina NYI
Translation: Paul Clark