(NCSA Peru) On Saturday, August 22, 2020 the NYI of Peru held an online activity called One Fest with the emphasis, “We are Community.” More than 1,500 participants connected live, and 68,000 people have watched the event online.
The activity included special presentations by district, which included music videos, choreographies, presentations of songs, skits, paintings and other talents. In addition, singer Ingrid Rosario; and comedian, José Ordoñez performed for the event. David Gonzalez, Global NYI Director; Evelio Vasquez, Field Strategy Coordinator for the Central Andean Field; Jose David Acosta, Wholistic Ministries Coordinator for Peru; Oscar Medina, President of the National Church; and Daniel Huamachuma, National NYI Coordinator all joined the event.
Source: Nazarene Communications Peru
Translation: Paul Clark