por | ago 12, 2020

(NCSA Colombia) The Church of the Nazarene in Colombia had a lot of plans in place for the year 2020. Nobody could have imagined what has happen in the past several months, or how radically the world would change. Immediately the church began to minister through the lockdown of the entire country. It was a huge challenge for every congregation in Colombia. There was not time to transition celebration meetings from church buildings to online transmissions using social media.

A few pastors in Colombia were prepared for this challenge, and we give thanks to God for the wisdom and creativity that has been given to His servants. Some congregations with adequate infrastructure were able to organize their communication teams to use online services using Zoom, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and other services.

Regardless of the media they have used, God is working in each congregation and the message of Christ continues to be preached throughout the country. Colombia is experiencing a special revival. There is renewed emphasis on prayer, now churches have several prayer groups throughout the week, and many churches have prayer every morning. Personal and family altars of prayer have been restored.

Another consequence of the pandemic has been severe hunger and poverty. Many people who had work have lost their jobs. This has brought many families to a place of need. The church has entered into this need and found a way to preach the gospel by showing God’s love through concrete acts and this way they have been light in the shadows.

The Church of the Nazarene has not withheld anything in it’s effort to provide for the basic needs of families in the church and in vulnerable neighborhoods. The church has provided basic food, clothes, personal hygiene items, and prepared food. All this effort has been done with resources from local congregations and the generous support of local members. Along with material support the church has given spiritual and emotional support.

The virus continues to advance, and the national government continues to take measures to mitigate it’s effects. While the nation survives the quarantine, the Church of the Nazarene in Colombia continues working for the advance of God’s Kingdom in a world without hope.

Source: Nazarene Communications, Colombia

Translation: Paul Clark

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