(NCSA Argentina) Southern Cone Nazarene Theological Seminary in Buenos Aires, Argentina and the Salvation Army for this part of the Salvation Army established an agreement for the theological education of Salvation Army ministers in the countries of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. Through this agreement the ministers of the Salvation Arby that have finished the Cadet School of Argentina can continue their ministerial education through higher level degrees offered through Southern Cone NTS.
Coronel Alex Nesterenko, Territorial Boss of the East South America Territory for the Salvation Army, and Dr. Jorge L. Julca, Rector of Southern Cone NTS, signed the strategic agreement between the two organizations. A number of other leaders in both organizations came together for the signing of this agreement
Historically the Church of the Nazarene and the Salvation Arby, as part of the body of Christ, have shared Wesleyan roots, especially in their emphasis of spreading the doctrine of Christian holiness. Through this agreement the two organizations have consolidated their friendship and combine educational, technological, and teaching resources to provide an excellent theological education for this part of the world.
Southern Cone Nazarene Theological Seminary is an educational institution of the Church of the Nazarene accredited by the International Board of Education (IBOE). Its mission is to holistically form people called by God to ministry in the countries of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina.
Source: Southern Cone Nazarene Theological Seminary
Translation: Paul Clark