(NCSA Peru) The School of Missions (EMA by its initials in Spanish) for young people began on the Central Peru District. Sergio Jaramillo oversees the project as the EMA Peru coordinator. The first level of training has been given. This first level of training was the beginning of a ministry focused on forming young people to receive training and to serve in their local churches.
The first level was made possible with powerful teachers to guide their students such as David Balcazar, District Superintendent; Pastor Manuel Bandañ PastorMarcial Rubio; and church members Arturo Meza, Gladys Coral, Linet Ramirez, Joshelyn Gonzalez, Gustavo Huaminí, Ester Meza, Wolfgan Fischer, ad Alexandra Raquena. Other teachers came from EMA Brazil such as Maely Iona, Coordinator of EMA for Brazil, Pastor Junio Pereira; Leticia Francine. Daniel Huamanchumo NYI President of Peru, and Christiano Malta, Regional NYI president, also provided teaching.
Twenty-eight young people have begun training as part of this first class of EMA in Peru, all from churches on the Peru Central District. They are being trained to fulfill the Great Commission the Jesus Christ our Lord gave to the Church.
To learn more about EMA visit our Facebook page at EMA Peru.
Source: Sergio Jaramillo
Translation: Paul Clark