(NCSA Peru) More than eight thousand people have been reached through a social media program provided by the North District of Peru’s NYI called “Mental Health Today.”
Using all of the preventative measures needed for the COVID-19 pandemic, and the necessary social distancing, the NYI has developed as part of its plan for the year 2020 a series of videos addressing issues of mental health during the pandemic. The project is designed to bring social and emotional support to young people who are already part of the youth ministry of their local churches, or to the public at large. Some of the topics they have covered so far in Mental Health Today are “Overcoming this painful time;” “Dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression;” Dealing with Family relationships;” “Time management during the pandemic;” among others.
To reach the goals of the project of providing an excellent service, a team of mental health professionals have come together from within the NYI. Each Wednesday from May to August they will be helping with videos on social media and they are trying to reach the most people possible and they are using the programs to proclaim the gospel of the Lord.
Krystal Ayala, one district NYI leader said of the program, “We pray that each video will accomplish the goals we set out to reach, and that many people will know that Christ is the hope for their lives, and that in everything our good God would be glorified.”
Source: North Peru District NYI
Translation: Paul Clark