(NCSA Bolivia) The government of Bolivia declared a nation-wide quarantine starting on March 22, 2020, which forced sanctuaries to close their doors in obedience to the earthly authorities and with the hope of protecting the health of those in the church.
Given the restrictions against gathering in large groups, local churches immediately attempted to adapt to the situation to continue connecting as a congregation. Many churches turned to digital platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, Whatsapp groups etc. Teaching through Facebook Live events has allowed people to stay strong in their faith and has challenged believers to cry out in prayer for the global pandemic.
During this time the Church of the Nazarene in Bolivia in two different ministries has responded to provide continuity and community to people in all age groups in the church, children, youth, and adults.
One of the greater challenges has been to reach people in rural areas and places without reliable internet service. With this in mind, The Nazarene’s Radio (RDN by its initials in Spanish) has intensified its programing and variety. In the city of La Paz many pastors have used telephone calls to connect and share a time of prayer with their people.
To respond to the daily needs of people during the length of the quarantine the Church of the Nazarene has partnered with other Christian organizations in Bolivia to provide “Big Baskets” of food to families with limited resources in rural areas. Similarly, each district has provided resources to those in need through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries.
We are sure that in this time the church continues and will continue strong and committed from the homes of each member and will continue sharing the message of love, hope, and salvation.
Source: Nazarene Communications, Bolivia
Translation: Paul Clark