(NCSA Argentina) Rev. Alberto Croce arrived in Córdoba on the March 21, 2003 with his wife Rev. Mabel de Croce to face the challenge of starting a new district in Argentina, the Mediterranean District, and of serving as pastor of the Church of the Nazarene in Embalse.
When he took charge of the district, it had 3 churches (Embalse, San Roque, and Rio Segundo) and when he turned the district over, it had 9 churches (Embalse, San Roque, Rio Segundo, Rio Cuarto, Huerta Grande, Córdoba capital, Valle Hermoso, Villa del Dique, and Villa Dolores) and a church plant in the City of Oliva.
Apart from serving as District Superintendent for the Argentina Mediterranean District, he also served as the District Superintendent for the Argentina NOA District from 2012 to 2017 and was a professor for decentralized education, FADES, and online courses for the South Cone Nazarene Theological Seminary.
He served as pastor of the Church of the Nazarene in Embalse until 2018 and, that same year, he took over the Church of the Nazarene in Villa del Dique where he continued serving as pastor until the Lord called him to His presence.
January 20, 2019, he left the Superintendency of the Mediterranean District. On that same day, his wife took over the Superintendency where she continues serving to this day.
He passed away on the 19th of February, 2020, leaving a legacy that inspires and motivates the church of the Lord to continue fulfilling the mission of making Christlike disciples among all peoples.
Source: Communications – Mediterráneo Argentino District